The game of hockey is changing right before our eyes. Technology is enabling us to measure almost anything and as we all know… “what gets measured, gets done.” In this podcast we explore some ideas on what should be measured, why we’d want to measure it and what we could change/learn /impact by using sensor in the game of hockey.
Updated 01/31/2016 – The “Puck” from Intel is being attached to snowboards to show the detail, rotation, speed, flips and basically anything you care to know about motion… all for $10 a sensor. It’s happening people We’ll know how fast two players were going when they collide in the corner soon. We’ll have the average speed of a player for the nights game. We’ll know in detail, pretty much anything we want to know. Wether we should know that much is up for debate but the sensors are coming! Stick tap to @jasonblevins for the story.
Note the use of sensors here:
Show Notes:
Jason Blevins of the Denver post
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