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Losing in sports will produce a lot of hate the Avalanche got their fare share of hate with every loss. So for giggles, we bring you the top 10 most hated Avs player on the current roster, of 2015-2016
- Patrick Roy – As head coach you are always on the chopping block. Winning is everything and not getting mad a players makes most Avs fans very angry at Patrick Roy
- Nick Holden – It’s like putting a boxer in the UFC. Sure, he can box… but if you get him out of his comfort zone… he’ll take a beating.
- Cody McLeod – Another guy playing above his pay grade and getting the Twitter hate for it.
- Bodnarchuk – A bandaid that wouldn’t stick.
- Brad Stuart – Probably the worst contract in the Sakic/Roy era. Stuart had lost a step and joined a fast and furious team.
- Alex Tanguay – Another guy who lost a step. He came back to give it the old college try for his buddies Roy and Sakic, but he just couldn’t compete they way he used to with the age weighting him down.
- Iggy – Everyone loves Iggy, but the big hockey heart of many Avs fans was tested as he slowed down and became a
- Reto Berra – It ain’t easy being around Picks
- Zach Redmond – On again, off again
- Joe Sakic – The GM, not the player
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