George Parros is a large man with big mitts and the uncanny ability to enforce the unwritten code of ice hockey. While he may not have been the most feared enforcer ever, he wasn’t someone you wanted to take lightly. When you watched Parros fight, you could see that he’d given the task a good risk assessment and that he wasn’t just fighting anther guy, he had done his homework to know who he was likely to fight and what they were likely to do. Like many other tough guys, he was capable of playing the game of hockey although, he legacy will never be for his ability to play the game. The Avalanche acquired Parros who played two games for the Avs before trading him away for a second pick, who becameTJ Galiardi.
Note: This podcast/post was updated on 05/01/2017 to include a comment by Adrian Dater.
Sadly, this is how I best remember George Parros. Flat on his back and suddenly looking as mortal as the rest of us.
But, what big George taketh, he also giveth and I’d wager a bet that he gave more beatings than he took. Every fighter will lose a fight, and they know that. But nobody, not even the opponent ever wants to see a guy unconscious on the ice. I love the fights, but this one had me wondering if it was all worth it. Then again, we would have never seen Big George in the NHL without it.
- @GeorgeParros
- Violentgentlemen.com – his apparel line
- He’ll also be featured in the upcoming Ice Guardians movie
Just about everyone who’s ever spoken about Parros has noted just how smart the man is. I’d say that he proved that by getting out of the game before he took too many blows to live up to the “smart” label everyone loved to point out.
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