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An in depth in-between-isode with the man behind the music at Colorado Avalanche games. DJ Triple T (Craig Turney) is responsible for the soundtrack to your sporting event experience. He can literally make The Can shake and get the crowd jumping with the pressing of a few buttons. We go deep to understand how Craig’s career began, what it takes to read a crowd, how he chooses the music he plays, what a day-in-the-life of an arena DJ looks like and so much more. By the time this podcast is over you’ll be raising your beer to the music man, high above making it all happen at Avs games.
Show Notes:
- Find Craig on Facebook
- Find Craig on Twitter: @thedjtriplet
- Email Craig at avs.music@teamkse.com
- An extensive list of songs played at Avs games
- @ConorMcGahey – The mastermind behind the 1UP sound bite played after penalty kills. Genius!
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